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Milk Stout originated in 19th century Britain as a way to promote a more nutrious beer to help energize workers throughout the day. Those claims were dubious, but it resulted in a unique, new style.
An XXXtra Strong lager, Gordon Finest Platinum, a pure gem with great character, is at the very top of the strong lager category. Its high degree of alcohol gives it a powerful taste and an undeniable virility, heritage of the famous Gordon Highlander regiments. Gordon Finest Platinum, the most exclusive of strong sensations; in moderation of course!
In the ranking of strong blond beers of this range, Gordon gives this brew the second place, cleverly justified by the effect of a flexible beer during the introduction, but tremendous during the progress of the tasting. It makes no immediate explosion, but is spread quickly in the whole palate and no element of the mouth is left without reaction.
Titanium beer is not at all like the others. Loyal to the name designation, it perpetuates strength from the noose on, aligning immediately the body and the taste in a most elegant way. Strictness and frivolity are bordering with a perfect combination, to a perfumed blend of malts when entering, joint by a bitter rounded character. To be taken in moderation!